After reading the first part some simple and natural questions arise in mind such as why the world would adopt a seven nation’s set-up, what is the need for adopting such a system, (some people think it a sheer madness to write such a book, forget about the seven nation set-up). All such questions will be answered if you go through this part.
This topic will show why there should be only seven nations in the world (instead of 200). There are five reasons for this.
A. Demerits of Small Countries,
B. Merits of BIG Nations instead of small countries
C. Necessity of forming confederates
D. The ideal size for big nations
E. Continental Nations – the ideal size Nations
A) Demerits of Small Countries
There is no sovereignty for small countries - Small countries can never reach the state of actual sovereignty. Their sovereignty is just a mask behind which is hidden their impotency. Small countries always remain puppets in the hands of the big powerful nations. Their governments remain in power till they support the Super powers. When those governments try to oppose the oppression of super-powers, they are eliminated. In the imperial era some of the European nations directly or indirectly enslaved the small countries of world. After that the cold war era began when either the Capitalist or the Communist lobby dominated the small countries. After the end of the cold war & disintegration of USSR the world became unipolar for sometime. It is worse condition than a single world because of unilateral decisions taken by USA in international politics and the military weakness of other 200 small countries. From some years China has emerged as a second power of the world but this China is a more big threat for the sovereignty of Asian countries. In military power the small countries can never compete with the Super-Powers. Small countries can never have the adequate natural and economical resources to build up strong first class army and weaponry. Small countries have to always remain under the umbrella of any powerful nation. So where is the sovereignty? In-fact there is no sovereignty for small countries. There is no difference between a state of a powerful nation and a small country.
Impotency before the MNCs - Also the small countries are so powerless before the Multi National Corporations (MNCs) that they are incapable in saving their citizens and environment from the grip of these. The companies are more powerful than the countries. It is a state of monopoly of the companies over the world where the companies did not face any competition from the side of any government. Direct Imperialism of European countries has ended but now the world is facing a new type of imperialism in the form of these MNCs. Those old imperial powers are still working behind these. If you do not believe it, then study the bio-data of each MNC and see that to which countries each of these belong.
Dependency on other countries for feeding their population- Small countries can not even feed their own populations. For this also they need the resources of other countries.
Dependency on other countries for maintaining the present standards of living - Small countries can never become self sufficient especially in the present world where you need a lot of resources to match the present standards of living.
Border disputes and the resulting wars - We can see around that when any two countries share their land boundaries, there always remain a continuous dispute between them and many times this dispute convert into a full fledge war. We have thousands of examples of this phenomenon. On the contrary the big nations who have reached their actual geographical boundaries (for example Australia) never get engaged in such disputes.
B) Merits of BIG Nations instead of small countries
So whatever are the demerits of small countries, they naturally get vanished in the Big Nations. Thus the natural benefits of Big Nations are-
1. Only the big nations are really sovereign nations.
2. Mutual status of all the nations remain equal on world level
3. Only the big nations are economically self sufficient.
4. Economies of scale are realized.
5. Prosperity and standard of living of the citizens of big Nations is increased and it matches international levels.
6. By combining into Big Nations only, the small countries could reduce their combined defense cost. And this money could be utilized to increase the quality of military and weaponry of the big nation which would come out after combining of the respective small countries.
7. The governments of only Big Nations are strong enough to control any external or internal threats such as MNCs
8. When Nations are made on the basis of their actual Geographical limits, there remain very low chances of changing in their shape. And thus only those nations are eternal who are able to reach their Geographical boundaries. And obviously only the Big Nations can reach their Geographical boundaries, (not small countries)
C) Necessity of forming confederates
Thus we need Big Nations instead of small countries and the only way to do so is that the small countries should join together to form big, powerful and really sovereign nations. When the countries will start integration and coming under one flag and system what option will they chose. Obviously each country will integrate with its immediate neighbors and those neighbors will further integrate with other immediate neighbors and when this process will go on, a chain of nations will be made or we should say that a web of nations will be woven. And such webs of small countries will result in big confederations or the Big Nations.
The small countries of Europe have also realized the benefit of uniting into a confederation and have made European Union. They have made a common currency "Euro" for them. And they are discussing to make any one language of Europe to be the official conversation language of European Union (probably it will be either German or French or Russian). So they are in path of changing into a single Big Nation of Europe. I think only this example is sufficient to prove the necessity and importance of forming regional groups or confederates or Big Nations because whatever misconducts Europe had done with the rest of the world, they are unquestionable forerunners of the physical prosperity or we could say they are the leaders of the world. And it would be wise for the rest of the world to follow Europe in this matter.
But it should also be kept in mind that a nation of unlimited size can’t be made, nor could this whole globe be converted into a single Nation because oversize empires collapse by their own weight (as big companies collapse due to demerits of economy of scale).
But it should also be kept in mind that a nation of unlimited size can’t be made, nor could this whole globe be converted into a single Nation because oversize empires collapse by their own weight (as big companies collapse due to demerits of economy of scale).
D) The ideal size for big nations
So we have seen the demerits of the small countries and have felt the necessity of Big Nations. So it is now established that we will have to make very Big Nations. Now question arises that how much big. Can we make a single nation by integrating all the countries into one? Or do we have any particular ideal size which will be the best for a nation.
When the countries will start integration a web will be woven. But dividers are needed between these webs because we do not want to integrate all the countries of the earth into one single nation. And nature has already provided such big dividers to us. And these dividers are the four oceans and other comparatively small geographical factors. Basically I will say that our continents (except Asia and Europe) are the ideal size and limits for a Nation. So we can make each single continent a single political identity i.e. a single nation. Let us call such a nation whose Geographical boundaries cover the whole continent as “Continental-Nation”
Thus all the countries of N. America can get united to form a continental nation ‘America’. Similarly all the countries of South American Continent can unite together to form a continental nation ‘Inca’. Similarly nation of ‘Africa’ could be made. The integration process in these three continents will be easily restricted by geographical boundary of these continents. These continents have a limited area and the countries belonging to this area can get united without bothering about the oversize of the nation. Similarly all the islands of the Pacific area can join together to form the Nation of Indonesia and the whole continent of Australia is already a single Nation. But the problem comes in Eurasia where the countries are in regular big chains and where there is no big geographical limit and the countries could only be united in the form of a mega-nation of Eurasia which would be a much oversize nation; or a small Nation Europe and a Huge Nation Asia could be made out of it. Both these conditions will give rise to inequality of the resulting nations. So it is very necessary to find a proper gap between these chains of countries of Eurasia
E) Some deep discussion about continental Nations
A perfect structure for a nation will be that of a Continental- Nation (i.e. when every single continent will be a single political unit). In that way every nation will reach its natural and geographical limits. Only the Oceans will touch the boundaries of those big nations. And this will dissolve all the problems of border disputes. Thus continental – Nations are the best solution of border disputes and the resulting wars.
So the first solution which comes in mind is to make six nations of the six populated continents (obviously Antarctica could not be a nation.)–
1) Asia, 2) Europe, 3Africa, 4) North-America, 5) South America and 6) Australasia
But now here North America, South America, Africa and Australasia are okay as Nations (when size is concerned) but Asia will be too big for being a nation and will naturally dominate the rest of the nations (if it do not collapses due to its own weight) especially it will eat up its immediate neighbor Europe which will be only one fifth of the size of Asia.
Why Europe can’t be a Continental-Nation –
Europe as a nation itself will be a very small nation in comparison to the rest of the nations of the world. Secondly it will not be fully self sufficient like the other Continental-Nations. Even it will not be able to support its own population with its small agricultural production. It will remain dependent on other nations as it is dependent today. (This is another thing that despite its food dependency Europe enjoys supremacy over the rest of the world due to its technological advanceness and also due to the wealth it had looted from the whole world during the era of imperialism). Thirdly in a world where all the nations will be of equal power and status, the Continental-Nation of Europe will not enjoy the same respect as the other nations. It will be inferior in all respects.
(And the last and also the least thing it will not be a fully loaded nation in natural respects as it will not cover all type of landscapes which all other nations will possess such as Deserts, Equatorial climates etc)
What is the ideal structure for Europe and Asia if not continental nation? -
The solution could easily come before us if instead of two continents of Europe and Asia we see it as a single continent of Eurasia. The devidation of Europe and Asia is a geography based factor not a geologically based. It is more a man made perception instead of any strong natural phenomenon. And actually there is no strong boundary which can keep apart the people of Asia and Europe from each other. There is a very tiny mountain range and a small river which separate Asia and Europe and they both are known as Ural. But as Andes can not divide South America into two continents, Rockies can not divide North America into two continents, Alps can not make two continents out of Europe, the Ural also can not divide Eurasia into two continents. And actually Ural mountain range is just a tiny thing in comparison to Himalayas, Alps, Andes or Rockies.
While it is very difficult to cross the later mountain ranges, it is a child-play to cross the Ural range and specially the Ural River from anywhere.
The present nation of Russia runs across both the sides of the Ural. 2/17 part of Russia is in Europe and 15/17 part is in Asia. The similar condition applies with Kazakhstan. There is actually no big geographical barrier between Europe and Asia. That’s why many times Romans had attacked Central Asian parts and many times the central Asian tribes like Scythians, Huns, Mongols, etc had looted the land of Europe. Even three countries of today’s Europe are inhibited by the descendents of those central Asians. These countries are Finland, Hungary, and Estonia. And a large part of present Asia is under a European country Russia. So where is the barrier to separate Asia from Europe?
So this oneness of Eurasia is the actual solution. We have not to make two nations of Europe and Asia but have to divide the whole Eurasia into two halves. The easiest way of doing so is to divide it from the 90 degree east Latitude. The Eurasia roughly extends from prime meridian (0 degree EW) to International Date Line (180 degree EW). The 90 degree east latitude divides Eurasia approximately into two nearly equal halves. Thus it will be appropriate to declare the 90 degree east latitude as the boundary between Eastern Eurasia and Western Eurasia and make these two parts as two separate nations. And these two halves of Eurasia will serve as the two ideal sized Nations. Let us call our eastern Eurasian Nation as “China-Ex” and the western Eurasian Nation as “Indo-Europe”.
Australia and Indonesia Ex as two of the ideal sized Nations –
Although Australasia (the actual term used by most atlases and which includes Australia continent and most of the islands of Indian and Pacific Ocean) as a nation will be a really ideal sized nation; But there are a lot of cultural problems in doing so. So to avoid those problems it is better to make two separate nations of “Indonesia Ex (extension)” by combining the present Indonesia and all the other islands of Pacific into one nation and second nation comprising of Australia continent only. The nation of Australia will be the best size for a nation but nation of Australia and Indonesia-ex will also serve well and will be more lingualy integrated nations.