The Present United Nations (UN) theoretically is an international organization of nations, based on the sovereign equality of its members. Under its charter, the UN was established “to maintain international peace and security”; “to develop friendly relations among nations”; and “to achieve international cooperation in solving ... economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian problems” and in “encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms”. Members are pledged to fulfill the obligations they have assumed, to settle international disputes by peaceful means, to refrain from the threat or use of force, to assist the UN in actions ordered under the charter and to refrain from assisting any country against which such UN action is being taken, and to act according to the charter's principles.
The United Nations is usually considered the successor to the League of Nations, the international organization which was formed after World War I to serve many of the same purposes. The league, however, failed to maintain peace and grew progressively weaker in the years just before World War II. From 1941 to 1945, United States President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin held various conferences in which they discussed their respective strategies in World War II. Their experiences helped them to formulate a plan to create an international peacekeeping organization with a goal of preventing future wars on the scale of World War II. In April 1945, representatives from 50 countries met in San Francisco to create the charter of the organization that would be called the United Nations.
Structure of present UN - The United
Nations' system is based on five principal organs (formerly six – the Trusteeship
Council suspended operations in 1994); the General Assembly, the Security
Council, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Secretariat, and the
International Court of Justice. Four of the five principal organs are located
at the main United Nations Headquarters located on international territory in
New York City. The International Court of Justice is located in The Hague,
while other major agencies are based in the UN offices at Geneva, Vienna, and
Nairobi. Other UN institutions are located throughout the world.
The General Assembly
is the main deliberative assembly of the United Nations. It is composed of all
United Nations member states. The
Assembly may make recommendations on any matters within the scope of the UN,
except matters of peace and security that are under Security Council
The Security Council
is made up of 15 member states, consisting of 5 permanent members–China,
France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States–and 10 non-permanent
members. The five permanent members hold
veto power over substantive. The ten temporary seats are held for two-year
terms with member states voted in by the General Assembly on a regional basis.
While other organs of the United Nations can only make 'recommendations' to
member governments, the Security Council has the power to make binding
decisions that member governments have agreed to carry out, under the terms of
Charter Article 25. The decisions of the Council are known as United Nations
Security Council resolutions.
B) Demerits/limitations of the present UN –
Unable in attending its
goals –
But could we say that the purpose
of UN has fulfilled? … Have not we seen 45 year cold war, Korea war, Vietnam War,
Cuba crisis, Indo-Pak wars of 47, 71 and 2000, Falkland crisis, Yugoslavian
disintegration by NATO, Gulf wars of 90 and 2003, Afghanistan war and a hundred
of such examples...? Have we stopped the sectarian riots all over the world …Have
we not seen racial homicide in Sudan and many other countries of Africa… We
have millions of examples of Human rights violation by the many departments of
the governments all over the world ………..In any country, personal or religious
freedom just depends on the will of the bureaucrats and the society haves………
Every day we can listen about
a person dying of starvation while many single persons possess so much money
that a small country could run on that. How could we talk about economic
prosperity and equality……….
Lots of partiality is
there in the structure of UN -
At present only some limited
countries enjoy the membership of the powerful divisions of UN. These divisions
are not departments of UN but they act as the executive councils reducing the
other nations to mere members of General-Assembly only, which is called its Legislative
Council. Calling it legislative council is also an insult of legislative councils
because it does not actually formulate any law because they were already made
at the establishment of UN. The assembly has no enforcement authority; its
resolutions are only recommendations that carry the political and moral force
of majority approval but lack power of direct implementation. The Security
Council is the most powerful branch of the United Nations. It makes final
decisions on what actions the UN will take and had the authority to approve or
disapprove new members. This Security Council has only 5 permanent members; The
General Assembly includes representatives from all the member nations. But all
these nations have no say in the present UN. But all this will change after
making of NINE-NATIONS and converting of UN into UNN.
C) Turning of UN into UNN (United Nine Nations)
Truly saying, many of the
problems such as economic, social, cultural, bureaucratic, political,
humanitarian etc could not be solved by merely integrating the small countries
into nine nations. In other words we could say that the internal problems of
any nation which are present today may remain the same if they would not be
properly managed. …….But by making Nine Nations, many problems such as
international wars, polarizing of money in some specific regions of world,
oppression of weak countries by the powerful ones could be prevented…..Wide
differences between the levels of persons (economic or social) will need
further efforts to be removed, but the difference between the levels of nations
will suddenly vanish. All the nine nations will be equal at once. And for this
have to be done on international level -not in a single region or continent- we
need the combined effort of all the nations for it. And while we need to
integrate the small countries into nine nations, we also need to convert the
international body UN into United-Nine-Nations.
After the uniting of countries into NINE-NATIONS,
the structure of UN will change a lot. All the Nine nations will be the members
of all the bodies of UN.
# All the NINE-NATIONS will have
equal status in UNN.
# It will have Nine official languages - English, Quechua, Spanish, Russian, Hindi, Arabic, Mandarin and Malay.
# Each international law & regulation will be passed by simple majority of votes.
# There will be six divisions of UNN as there are in present UN - the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. At present all member states are represented in the General Assembly only. In all other divisions only a few nation can enter. But in UNN these divisions will have the status of departments only. And all the nine nations will have equal representation and equal control in all the departments.
# In each single department
of UNN, staff will be composed of equal number of persons from all the nations.
# In 1994 the Trusteeship Council ceased to exist in UN but after establishment of UNN it will again be created as a department of UN. It will take care of the Antarctica only.
# UNN will also take care that elections must happen in all the countries and all the nations periodically for electing democratic governments.
# In 1994 the Trusteeship Council ceased to exist in UN but after establishment of UNN it will again be created as a department of UN. It will take care of the Antarctica only.
# UNN will also take care that elections must happen in all the countries and all the nations periodically for electing democratic governments.
# The presidency of UN will be held for one year by each member nation in rotation in alphabetical order of their names.