7 Devidation of the Globe

Along with uniting and re-framing of the world into Nine-Nations, it is also necessary to divide the oceans also. Once the whole globe is divided among nine nations; it will end all the remaining chances of any war between the nations. And after making of Nine Nations, it will be practically possible to divide the whole globe. Thus the whole globe should be divided into nine parts-
1)    American Region
2)    Incan Region
3)    European Region
4)    Indian Region
5)    Arabic region
6)    African Region
7)    Mongol Region
8)    China region
9)    Indonesian Region
10)                       Antarctic Region that is managed by United-Nine-Nations

Boundaries of nations’ ocean territory:

Some Keys-
NP – here it refers to North Pole.
SB - For all 4 southern nations 60degree South is the southern boundary which is referred here as SB.
MB - refers to 10 degree north which is the middle boundary for all.
NIDL - the 170 degree west should become new International Date Line and here it is referred as NIDL
NPM - 10 degree east should become new prime meridian and here it is referred as NPM

America –
West to East - NIDL to 30W
North to South - NP to MB

Inca –
West to East -NIDL to 30W
North to South - MB to SB

Europe –
West to East - 30W to 90E (Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific)
North to South - In Atlantic NP to MB……in Pacific NP to 46N

 India –
In Indian Ocean, southern tip of indo-Myanmar border to (90E, 0NS) to (0NS, 60E) to (60E, 13N) to Aden

Africa –
West to East - 30W to 90E
North to South - In Atlantic MB to SB …….In Indian Ocean (90E, SB) to (90E, 0NS) to (0NS, 60E) to (60E, 13N) to Aden…….

China –
West to East - 90E to NIDL
North to South – 46N to MB

Indonesian region –
West to East - 90E to NIDL

North to South - MB to SB