The Ten language families of world
After reading the previous chapter some people may say that “there is something else which is needed to form a nation. By the previous factors a great empire could be made but not a great Nation. A nation needs a soul”. And for those special ones I am presenting this chapter which will show the souls and the actual strong bases of Seven Nations.
And those souls or bases are the “languages”……. The languages which serve as the glue between the citizens of any country could also help in forming big nations.
How? Let us see-
Let us look first at the Macro-lingual map of the world. The following is the approximate map of the Total Language Families of World -
1. Inuit
2. Incan
3. Ural-Altaic or Turkic
4. Semitic
5. African
6. Dravid
7. Nippo-Tibbetese
8. S.E. Asian
9. Polynesian
10. Aryan
10.1) Indic
10.2) Slavic
10.3) Latin
10.4) Old Euro
10.5) Germanic
99% of the languages of world belong to any one of the above 10 lingual families.
Let us understand this term Language Family by an example. Let's take the example of Semitic group. Arabic, Hebrew, Berber, Amharic, Tigrinya, and Tigre etc are the languages of this group. It means that these languages are the daughters of a common language Semitic i.e. in the past there was a language ‘Semitic’ which changed in form with the passing of time (this is a continuous process which occurs with all the languages e.g. you can see your own mother language how much it has changed in last 100 years).
As Semitic was changing with the time, its speakers who were in different geographical area developed it in different forms. For example it developed as Berber in Algeria & Morocco and it developed as Arabic in the central area, as Amharic, Tigrinya and Tigre in Ethiopia and as Hebrew in the south Egypt. Thus the languages Arabic, Berber and Hebrew are related to one another and are sister languages of each other. And as this group has no relation with the other lingual groups of the world its daughter languages also have no relation with the other languages of the world.
Similarly the Latin sub-group has five languages Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian which are in existence today. These five languages are the daughters of the same language Latin and have been evolved out of Latin. Thus these are 10 such language-families in the world. The Indo-Aryan (Indic) and the Dravidian families include all the languages of India. The Germanic family includes the languages of, Australia, the United States, England, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Incan languages are spoken throughout South America along with some Latin group languages, although the precise number of languages in this classification is not known. The Ural-Altaic language family, include over 60 related languages. The most widely spoken Nippo-Tibetan language is Chinese (Mandarin), with over 1 billion speakers. The South East Asian languages are spoken by 45 million people in South East Asian countries. The Polynesian language family is the main language family of the Pacific, spoken from Malaysia to Easter Island and Hawaii. Languages which do not belong to any of these families include language isolates.
As Semitic was changing with the time, its speakers who were in different geographical area developed it in different forms. For example it developed as Berber in Algeria & Morocco and it developed as Arabic in the central area, as Amharic, Tigrinya and Tigre in Ethiopia and as Hebrew in the south Egypt. Thus the languages Arabic, Berber and Hebrew are related to one another and are sister languages of each other. And as this group has no relation with the other lingual groups of the world its daughter languages also have no relation with the other languages of the world.
Similarly the Latin sub-group has five languages Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian which are in existence today. These five languages are the daughters of the same language Latin and have been evolved out of Latin. Thus these are 10 such language-families in the world. The Indo-Aryan (Indic) and the Dravidian families include all the languages of India. The Germanic family includes the languages of, Australia, the United States, England, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Incan languages are spoken throughout South America along with some Latin group languages, although the precise number of languages in this classification is not known. The Ural-Altaic language family, include over 60 related languages. The most widely spoken Nippo-Tibetan language is Chinese (Mandarin), with over 1 billion speakers. The South East Asian languages are spoken by 45 million people in South East Asian countries. The Polynesian language family is the main language family of the Pacific, spoken from Malaysia to Easter Island and Hawaii. Languages which do not belong to any of these families include language isolates.
Final Conclusion
Thus the countries and people which belong to same lingual-family should unite together to form a nation (as they belong to same family). Also in most cases when a single lingual group is not sufficient to make a nation, two or more lingual groups should join to make a nation if people of these groups share some common culture or geographical area. There are also some languages which had no connection with any lingual family of the world. They should get united with the immediate neighboring nation as the era of weak & small countries will end soon. All the small countries should realize the demerits of remaining a small country & of remaining isolated from the sister countries.
Necessity of National Language
When the big nations come into form, it becomes necessary to select a contact language for the nation for fulfilling some particular purposes. For example for military & some other federal services it is necessary that there should be only one contact language for better co-ordination among the people serving in these departments.
Then the question raises that which language should be selected from among the various languages of the nation. Although each language has equal respect but such a language should be selected whose speakers are highest in number & whose speaking area is widest. In America English, in Inca Quechua & Spanish, in Indo-Europe Russian & Hindi, in Africa Arabic, in china Mandarin, in Indonesia Malay-Indonesian and in Australia again English possesses these two characters of highest and widest. So they should become the National languages in these respective countries.