It is a topic of continuous discussion that what the culture actually means.Some associate this word with food clothing and residential habits of any particular social group, including various kinds of artistic things and dances performed by that group.But if it is so , if it is all about the food habits, the dressing manner the living habits the dances the housing patterns the city plans, the building structures ( the ways of worshiping can't be included in culture because that is a spiritual matter ) then it can be said that no culture have remained alive; because Romans (Italians) no more wear skirts in battlefields and gowns in the offices, now Indians like to eat pizzas and Americans like to eat Dosas and Manchurian, now the Eskimos of Canada travel in Ice-bikes instead of Sledges-driven by Rein-deer , now those are not only the Arab women who wear full-clothes* now Africans no more use kettle-drum to send messages (however now also they do not have an easy reach to telephones but they use telephones to do so) , now the world is interested in doing Salsa instead of any aboriginal dance, nobody writes now on a leaf , the men of whole world wear trousers (invented by central Asians) instead of skirts ,gowns or dhotees, the sun-dial have been replaced by modern clocks and watches the chariots have been replaced by bikes and cars , the whole interior of the house has changed and is still changing.
Now where is the culture . Actually the fact is that culture is nothing. Human beings always opt for the things which they think are the best (mind it , they think, it is not necessary that it is so; and every person has his own different view ) .So why a man will wear skirt if he feels more comfortable in trousers , why a man will listen saxophone when he likes veena why a man will live in wooden houses -prone to fire and terminators- when he can live in concrete houses.Thus culture is nothing but a blend of tastes of different people living in a particular geographical area .
And if the people of this area have something in common which differs from the rest of the world it means the people of this area do not have access to other options ( generally it happens due to the more value assigned to the other options).If in some parts of world people live in wooden houses then it is due to their inability to get concrete houses i.e. they can't afford them .If in some remote areas people cover distances by feet instead of vehicles then it is not their culture but it is their incapability to afford any vehicle.
Thus different communities do not have different cultures but they are the communities of different geographical area which develop their dwellings according to local (and cheap) sources available to them.If there is difference otherwise then it is the difference of personal taste of persons, not the taste of whole community.
In a globalized world when everyone has a reach to his favorites, a person will not remain bounded due to local deficiency of resources and would get any thing from any part of the world (if he is capable in terms of money). Thus the culture will become a global culture. Two different cultures in two different parts of world can not survive anymore ; they will have to merge in each other definitely at some point of time .
*( it is not about veil but to wear such clothes which do not show up the body ; nakedness is a sign of animals not of modernity, it is a different thing that some feminists consider nudeness as a sign of liberty forgetting how liberal and intelligence the animals are )
Now where is the culture . Actually the fact is that culture is nothing. Human beings always opt for the things which they think are the best (mind it , they think, it is not necessary that it is so; and every person has his own different view ) .So why a man will wear skirt if he feels more comfortable in trousers , why a man will listen saxophone when he likes veena why a man will live in wooden houses -prone to fire and terminators- when he can live in concrete houses.Thus culture is nothing but a blend of tastes of different people living in a particular geographical area .
And if the people of this area have something in common which differs from the rest of the world it means the people of this area do not have access to other options ( generally it happens due to the more value assigned to the other options).If in some parts of world people live in wooden houses then it is due to their inability to get concrete houses i.e. they can't afford them .If in some remote areas people cover distances by feet instead of vehicles then it is not their culture but it is their incapability to afford any vehicle.
Thus different communities do not have different cultures but they are the communities of different geographical area which develop their dwellings according to local (and cheap) sources available to them.If there is difference otherwise then it is the difference of personal taste of persons, not the taste of whole community.
In a globalized world when everyone has a reach to his favorites, a person will not remain bounded due to local deficiency of resources and would get any thing from any part of the world (if he is capable in terms of money). Thus the culture will become a global culture. Two different cultures in two different parts of world can not survive anymore ; they will have to merge in each other definitely at some point of time .
*( it is not about veil but to wear such clothes which do not show up the body ; nakedness is a sign of animals not of modernity, it is a different thing that some feminists consider nudeness as a sign of liberty forgetting how liberal and intelligence the animals are )
Religion across Borders
Religion and spiritualism
across the nations -
What is the difference between religion and spiritualism? We can define spiritualism as the food reached to soul and religion as the way of cooking that food. As there are many food-stuffs and there are further more multiple ways of cooking that stuff but the body receives it in the form of nutrients and energy only. In the same way all religions also supply same thing to the soul.
So it should also depend on the personal interest of a person to chose his own religion. There should be no boundaries for the religions but also any religion should not make his followers to love some other nation in stead of the followers' own nation .
across the nations -
What is the difference between religion and spiritualism? We can define spiritualism as the food reached to soul and religion as the way of cooking that food. As there are many food-stuffs and there are further more multiple ways of cooking that stuff but the body receives it in the form of nutrients and energy only. In the same way all religions also supply same thing to the soul.
So it should also depend on the personal interest of a person to chose his own religion. There should be no boundaries for the religions but also any religion should not make his followers to love some other nation in stead of the followers' own nation .